2) Greinar um tónlist, viðtöl og sjónvarpsþættir

Höfundaréttur © Guðmundur Emilsson. Allur réttur áskilinn samkvæmt Bernarsáttmálanum, með viðaukum.
Menntastofnunum er heimilt að nota þessa síðu sé eigenda höfundarréttar getið.

Doktorsritgerð - upphaf og niðurlag



Ritgerðin var skrifuð 1978-79 samhliða Mbl greinum sem áður eru birtar.



Krzysztof Penderecki's Dies Irae (Auschwitz Oratorio); aspects of music and literature. Set analyses of Dies Irae (1967) reveals that it is not based on a rigid pre-compositional scheme, as often is assumed by commentators of Pendrecki's works in the sixties and early seventies; an era of serialism. On the contrary, the structures freely mirror the profound historical, literary, religious and philosophical connotations of the work's impressive libretto; that is to say the composer's own mosaic of quotes from the writings of King David, Aeschylus, Apostle Paul, John the Christian (1st century A.D.), Paul Valéry, Louis Aragon, Wladyskaw Broniewski and Tadeusz Rozewitzc. The word is the backbone of continuity in Dies Irae; the word qualifies the music.


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